(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au



Listen to our Sermons online

A Prayer of Thirst

1 October 2017


24 September 2017

Do not covet

24 September 2017

Failing and finding the good

24 September 2017

Thomas – Faith and Doubt

17 September 2017

Saying What is True

17 September 2017

Giving what is due

10 September 2017

Peter’s Denial

10 September 2017

Honour your spouse

3 September 2017

Do not Murder

27 August 2017


20 August 2017

Family Matters

20 August 2017

Stirring the Pot

13 August 2017

Joy of the Sabbath

13 August 2017

Living Water

30 July 2017

Idols of the Heart

30 July 2017

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Sundays at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

Privacy Policy

Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC