(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au


Thank you for your generous support of these different May Mission Month projects.

Our May Mission Month appeal has now closed, however, you are still able to give directly to the organisations.

Supporting Karen Sowden.     Not tax deductible

Karen is working with the Evangelical Union serving International Students at Sydney University. Her focus is on sharing the gospel in relevant ways, encouaring spiritual growth and training future leaders.

To learn more about Karen’s work at the Evangelical Union, click here

To learn more about EU Grads Fund, visit gradsfund.org

Assisting the Fuel Crisis in P.N.G    Tax deductible

MAF supports remote communities in PNG with basic medical care, clean water, education, disaster response and the opportunity to receive the good news of God’s love.

The current fuel crisis in PNG has doubled the price, impacing MAF’s ability to carry out its operations.

For more information about MAF, click here

To visit MAF’s website, go to: https://maf.org.au/png-fuel-crisis/


Funding Additional Silk Rd Local Language Teacher      Tax deductible

The Silk Road team is activly engaged in providing English language lessons to local students and young adults in the rural community where team members live. The team is hoping to add an additional staff member and to have subsidies for student textbooks and resources

To learn more about the Silk Road project, visit: https://www.baptistmissionaustralia.org/Support/Projects/K/English-Teaching-and-Friendship

Short-Term Missions

Short-term mission teams provide an opportunity for members of our church family to provide practical help to our Christian brothers and sisters overseas and sometimes to visit our long-term missionary partners to encourage them and get better acquainted with their work. A short-term mission trip can also be a first step along the road to long-term missionary service.
To find out more about any details of planned short term mission opportunities, please contact the church office.

Long-Term Missions

We partner with many missionaries around the world, and we prayerfully and financially support some of our TCBC family who have committed their lives to long-term mission.

Please contact our office if you would like to know more about our long-term missionaries and how to support them office@tcbc.org.au

Social-Justice Group

Our Social Justice group meets occasionally to discuss ways that TCBC can be engaged in issues concerning Social Justice. We partner with Baptist World Aid and often invite guest preachers who are experts in this field. Please contact the office on 94840093 if you would like to get involved.

SRE (Special Religious Education)

A group of enthusiastic and committed people from TCBC venture into the local schools each week to teach Special Religious Education, commonly known as Scripture.

TCBC Partners with two Christian Education Assocations who provide Christian Studies Teacher in 4 local high schools.

Normanhurst Christian Education Association

To hear a June update from the teachers in the Normanhurst Christian Education Association, click here for their newsletter.

To read more about the NCEA, visit https://ncea.net.au/

SUPA Club (Scripture Union Primary Age)

SUPA Club (Scripture Union Primary Age) is a lunchtime club for Years 5-6 children. These children come in their lunchtime, to learn more about God and the Bible through games, activities, Bible discovery, and enjoy building relationships with leaders and other children.

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Sundays at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

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Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC