(02) 9484 0093 office@tcbc.org.au

Vision and Values


Our desire is to be a healthy, vibrant, biblically-based community, committed to growing more like Jesus Christ in attitudes and actions.

We’re not perfect but we are seeking to be the sort of church where Jesus Christ is honoured and followed, and where everyone is welcome.


What is my purpose in life? What is a good life? Why is there so much wrong with our world? What can I do to help make it right? We believe it is Jesus who can answer these questions.


Our prayer is to be a biblically based community, committed to growing more like Jesus in attitudes and actions. We’re not perfect but we are seeking to be the sort of church where Jesus is honored and followed and where everyone is welcome.


We seek to provide a number of resources to help you grow as a follower of Jesus. Download a talk online , follow a sermon series or look up a topic that you are interested in.

About Us

We are a group of people who meet regularly to discover God together, to get to know Him and give ourselves in service to Him through serving one another.

Our desire is to be a healthy, vibrant, biblically-based community, committed to growing more like Jesus Christ in attitudes and actions. We are a growing congregation that caters for all age groups and our excellent facilities are available to the broader community. We’re not perfect, but we are seeking to be the sort of church where Jesus Christ is honoured and followed, and where everyone is welcome.

Transforming lives through Christ-centred community

Our Service Times: 

Summer Holiday Services: 9:30am and 4pm

Regular Sundays will return in February at 9:30AM, 4PM & 6PM

Tuesday Church is held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday during school term at 10:30am.


15-17 Duffy Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120

Privacy Policy

Our Friday Newsletter is sent out weekly, including a message from one of our pastors and lets you know about upcoming events in the life of TCBC